22 October 2024, Tuesday
Pastoral Council


Updated Parish Privacy Statement

Who are we?

This parish is part of the Catholic Archdiocese of Dublin. The parish is a registered charity
Registered Charity Number: 20016166, Parishes Revenue Number CHY7424. The Parish
! Administrator/Moderator is the data controller for the parish, in other words he is the
person responsible for making sure your data is safe and secure

Baptism Registers

The Archbishop is the sole controller of the personal data and special category data contained in
the Baptism Registers held in Parishes of the Archdiocese with respect to storage and retention of
data, standard and special annotation of data and alteration of data. The Archbishop
, along with
the Parish Priest
! Administrator/Moderator assigned to the Parish which holds the Baptism
Register, are each a joint controller of the personal data and special category data with respect to
collecting and recording of data in the Baptism Register.

Your personal data - what is it?

Personal data relates to a living individual who can be identified from that data. Identification can
be through the information alone or in conjunction with other information in the data controller
possession or likely to come into such possession. The processing of personal data is governed by
the General Data Protection Regulation or the GDPR and the Data Protection Act (2018).

Who does this Privacy Notice apply to?

This Privacy notice is for all those whose personal information is dealt with in any way by the
parish including parishioners, clergy
, staff, volunteers, contractors, suppliers and visitors and
there may be others.

What is the lawful basis for processing your personal data?

The GDPR requires specification in the Privacy Notice of the lawful basis for processing
personal data. Below are the lawful bases which are relevant to our processing activities;

  • Where consent has been obtained. This can be withdrawn at any time.
    • Compliance with a legal obligation
    • Performance of a contract, or to take steps to enter into a contract
    • To protect a person's vital interests
    • Legitimate interests - this includes any activities that involve advancing and maintaining the
      Roman Catholic religion.
    • Where processing is carried out by a not-for-profit body with a religious aim provided: -
      • the processing relates only to members of the congregation or former members (or
        those who have regular contact with it in connection with those purposes); and
      • there is no disclosure to a third party without consent.

Baptism Registers held in Parishes of the Archdiocese

Where personal data and special category data is processed in the Baptism Registers held in
Parishes of the Archdiocese
, the Archbishop relies on the legitimate interests in preserving the
information contained in Baptism Registers because such registers consist of a record of the
administration of certain sacraments in the Roman Catholic Church. It is essential that the
Archbishop maintains a record of certain sacraments which may only be administered once in the
Roman Catholic Church. As personal data contained in the Baptism Registers is special category
personal data
, the Archbishop must have an additional lawful basis for processing. The Archbishop
relies on processing carried out in the course of his legitimate activities with appropriate
safeguards and the processing relates solely to members or former members of the Roman Catholic
Church, and personal data is not disclosed outside the Roman Catholic Church without the consent
of the member
/former member concerned.

What personal data do we process?

The parish will process some or all of the following types of data, where necessary to perform
our duties;

  • Names;
  • Contact details - telephone numbers, addresses, email addresses;
  • Information about the Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, Marriage and Holy Orders;
    • Information relating to donations as required for audit purposes and the Charities Act (2016);
    • Safeguarding information on staff, clergy and volunteers as required by the National Safeguarding Office;
  • Information relating to gender, age, date of birth, marital status;
  • Information gathered for the furtherance of faith development supports and services;
  • Information relating to education/work histories, academic professional qualifications;
    • Some of the personal data we process will fall under the category of sensitive personal
      data as it will identify your religious belief. There may be other categories of sensitive
      personal data processed including information on health (e.g
      . pilgrimage requirements),
      details of injuries (e.g. legal claim)
      , trade union membership (for a staff member).

How does the Parish process personal information?

We use your personal data for purposes included among the following;

  • to enable us to meet all legal and statutory obligations;
  • to deliver the Church's mission to our parish community and to carry out other
    voluntary/charitable activities for the benefit of our parish community;
    • to minister to our parishioners and provide you with pastoral and spiritual care (such as
      visiting the sick or the bereaved)
    • to organise and facilitate ecclesiastical liturgies for our parishioners, including funerals;
    • facilitate the sacraments of Baptism, First Holy Communion, Confirmations and
  • to promote and assist the mission and growth of the Church in the Diocese of Dublin;
    • to carry out comprehensive Safeguarding procedures in accordance with best;
      safeguarding practice with the aim of ensuring that all children and vulnerable adults are
      provided with safe environments;
    • for those involved in the management of the parish we use the personal information you
      provided to enable both the parish and you to carry out your role effectively (e.g.
      members of the pastoral council, finance committee etc
  • for lay people who assist in all aspects of parish life including the creation of rosters,
    being involved in parish sacramental teams etc., we use your information to assist you in
    your various roles. Without such information it would not be possible for you to function
    effectively in your role in our parish;
  • To fundraise and promote the interests of the parish and process donations e.g.
    information supplied by donors to use in supporting our work
    • To maintain our own accounts and records e.g. putting agreements in place, invoicing
      and making payments. Personal data held in this regard forms part of our contractual
      arrangements with you
  • To send you the parish newsletter;
  • To deal with your request;
  • To manage our staff, volunteers and contractors;
    • Our processing may also include the taking of photographs, live streaming via the
      , or capturing images in our CCTV;
    • On occasion the parish has to share your personal data with the Diocesan offices. To
      enable this to happen compliantly a Data Processing Agreement has been put in place
      which is signed by the Parish Priest
      /Administrator/Moderator and counter-signed by the
      Archbishop. Examples of this sharing include contact with Chancellery in relation to
      sacramental issues; HR in relation to employment issues; Finance in relation to tax on
      donations and other areas affected by the Charities Regulation; Child Safeguarding for
      Vetting and Safe
      -guarding issues. This list is not exhaustive.

Sharing your personal data

Your personal data will be treated as strictly confidential and will only be shared where

  • Information may be shared with statutory or church bodies for tax relief purposes or for
    law enforcement agencies for the prevention and detection of crime;
  • Information may be shared with third parties who assist us with our work;
    • We reserve the right to release personal data without your consent where permitted by
      law or to meet a legal obligation.

How long do we keep your personal data?

We keep your personal data for as long as it is need and in line with our Retention/Disposition
schedule. Some records are permanently kept and these will be placed in the Parish

In relation to the Baptism Registers held in the Parishes of the Archdiocese, personal data and
special category data are retained in perpetuity, in order to achieve the purpose of correctly
administering certain sacraments that may only be undertaken once in a person's lifetime

How is our information kept safe and secure?

We comply with its obligations under the "GDPR" by keeping personal data up to date; by storing
and destroying it securely; by not collecting or retaining excessive amounts of data; by protecting
personal data from loss
, misuse, unauthorised access and disclosure and by ensuring that
appropriate technical measures are in place to protect personal data.

Baptism Registers are annotated upon administration of the Sacraments of Confirmation, Marriage
or Holy Orders to an individual. Where an individual receives any of these sacraments, a note will
be made in the Baptism Register entry for that individual. Annotations are necessary as it ensures
the sacraments of Confirmation, Marriage or Ordination may only be undertaken once during a
's lifetime.

Your rights and your personal data

Unless subject to an exemption under the GDPR you have the following rights with respect to
your personal data: -

  • Right of Access - you can request a copy of your personal data from the Parish;
  • Right of Correction - you have the right to request that the Parish corrects any personal
    data if it is found to be inaccurate, incomplete or out of date;
  • Right of Erasure - You have the right, in certain circumstances, to ask for the data we
    hold on you to be destroyed. This is known as the Right to be Forgotten;
  • Right to Restriction of Processing - where certain conditions apply, you have the right
    to restrict the processing of your personal data;
  • Right to Data Portability - you can request that the Parish transfer your data directly to
    another data controller where we hold the data in an electronic format;
  • Right to Object -you have the right to object to certain types of processing;
  • Right to Lodge a Complaint with the Office of the Data Protection Commission.

When exercising any of the above rights and in order to facilitate your request, we may need to
verify your identification for security purposes.

Transfer of Data Abroad

We do not transfer personal data abroad.

Further processing

We reserve the right to review and amend this statement at any time without notice.

Contact Details

Please contact the Parish if you have any questions about this Privacy Statement or the
information we hold about you or to exercise all relevant rights
, queries or complaints or email
This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it .

The diocesan privacy policy can be accessed on www.dublindioceseje/privacypolicy.

You can contact the Data Protection Commissioners Office on 00353 57 8684800 or Lo-Call
1890252231 or by email at

Updated 24 March 2023

The mission statement of our Parish Pastoral Council is to continue to build a Community that focuses on the person of Jesus Christ.

Our Pastoral Council is a Partnership between Priests and Parishioners in the building of an inclusive vibrant Christian Community.

The present Council is constituted for a period of two years. The responsibilities of members of the Pastoral Council as outlined in our objectives include: -

  • Attend regular meetings on the Parish Pastoral Council.
  • Provide input to deliberations of the Council.
  • Assist where possible with the implementation of Parish policies.
  • Grow in knowledge and awareness of what is happening in the Parish.
  • Take part in the training and induction of all new Council members and avail of ongoing formation.
  • To work hand in hand with the leaders of the Church and lay people for the betterment of the Parish.

In particular our Council helps facilitate the following: -

  • Proclaiming the Word of God and forming the faith formation – especially of the young.
  • Fostering of the Sacrament, liturgical and prayer life of the Parish.
  • Supporting Marriage and Family life.
  • Enabling the lay faithful to carry out their particular vocation of shaping society in accordance with the Gospel.
  • Strengthening commitment of social justice and caring for the marginalized.
  • Encourage leadership in reaching out to young people and engaging them in their questioning about faith.
  • Looking to new members of our communities, especially the new Irish to ensure that people of different nationalities and culture find their place in Liturgy and Parish life.
  • Addressing the particular social challenges of the Parish and ensuring that the community is sensitive to the needs of all.


Pastoral Initiatives:
Meeting the challenges of today.
Permanent Diaconate: Briefing meetings for Priests on the Permanent Diaconate for service in the Archdiocese of Dublin is posted on the Diocesan website. Training for the Diaconate will begin this September. Further details later.
Parish Pastoral Workers: Qualified suitable people may apply. Information leaflets and applications forms will be available from Mater Dei Institute.
Parish Pastoral Councils Evaluation: Presentation was made at the meeting of all the Parish Pastoral Councils in Dublin Archdiocese on last Sunday 27th April in Kilmacud Parish Church. The Dun Laoghaire Parish Pastoral Council was well represented.
The Dun Laoghaire Parish Pastoral Council Progress Report.
Parishes Working Together: Various models of Parishes working together will emerge in the changes this Summer. These models will be determined by the circumstances of the Parish in each case. Whether the Priest appointed is a Parish Priest; An Administrator of a Parish, or the Moderator of a Parish, each of those appointments is a Pastoral Position and the Priests appointed are all Pastors to their people.
Briefing for Parish Finance Committees: Two meetings were arranged by the Diocesan Finance Secretariat for Parish Finance Committees. Those meetings took place in Clonliffe College on the 15th and 18th April 2008 on the topic of “Sharing Surplus Property Initiative (SSPI) and related matters. The meetings were attended by two hundred people representing 51 Parishes. Members of the Dun Laoghaire Finance Committee were present at both meetings. The operation of SSPI will be up for review in five years.

Child Protection Policy

St. Michael’s Parish, Dún Laoghaire
Child Protection Policy Of St. Michael’s Parish, Dún Laoghaire


Child Protection Policy

The people of St. Michael’s Parish, Dún Laoghaire recognise the inherent dignity and rights of all persons, with special regard for children and young people.
We recognise that the interests and welfare of children are of primary consideration at all times.
We value and encourage the participation of children and young people in all parish activities that enhance their spiritual, physical, emotional and social development.
We endeavour to create a safe environment for children and young people in order to secure their protection and enable their full participation in the life of the Parish and the Church.
This Child Protection Policy of St. Michael’s Parish, Dún Laoghaire was agreed by vote of the Parish Pastoral Council at a meeting on May 10th 2010.


Section 1:    Child Protection Procedures

The Child Protection Procedures shall act as the constitutive document governing child protection practice for St. Michael’s Parish, Dun Laoghaire.
This document is addressed to all adults involved in any Parish activity, including Clergy, Staff, Volunteers and Parents.

1. Basic Procedures
i. A general code of conduct shall govern best practice for all Parish activities involving children or young people.
ii. A specific code of conduct shall govern individual Parish activities involving children or young people.
iii. Codes of conduct shall be regarded as mandatory for all adults involved in any Parish activity.

2. Parish Child Protection Representative

i. The Parish Priest will nominate an individual as Parish Child Protection Representative.
ii. The Child Protection Representative shall ensure that the Child Protection Policy, Procedures and Codes of Conduct for St. Michael’s Parish are maintained in accordance with best practice. In this regard, the Representative shall ensure review of Child Protection Policy, Procedures and Codes on an annual basis.
iii. The Child Protection Representative shall be a person of good standing within the Parish and shall be appointed by the Parish Priest.
iv. The Child Protection Representative shall hold office for a period of two years.
v. The Child Protection Representative shall be required to attend training offered by the Archdiocese of Dublin.
vi. In the event of receiving a direct complaint of child abuse, the Child Protection Representative shall take note of the complaint and forward all details as soon as possible to the Office of the Director of Child Protection, Mr. Andrew Fagan, Archbishop’s House, Drumcondra, Dublin 9.

3. Parents:

i. The Child Protection Representative or their deputy shall ensure that both parents/guardians shall sign a consent form for each young person prior to participation in any aspect of parish life.
ii. Parents/guardians shall furnish all relevant parish groups with their contact details.
iii. Parents/guardians shall furnish all relevant parish groups with any medical, dietary, or special needs of their children.

4. Parish Groups

i. The Child Protection Procedure for individual parish groups shall be governed by a specific Child Protection Code as part of Section III, building on the procedures outlined in this section.
ii. All parish groups shall ensure an appropriate ratio of adult supervision to young people.
iii. In particular, no adult involved in Parish activity should spend excessive time alone with a child or young person.
iv. Parish groups should maintain a duty roster of participating adults to ensure adequate supervision of young people and children at all times.

5. Record Keeping:

i. The Child Protection Representative or appointed deputy shall maintain adequate records of the following processes:
a) Parental Consent Forms
b) Accident/ incident Report Forms 
c) Volunteer Application Forms
d) Declaration Forms
e) Medical information and treatment permission as appropriate for all young people
f) Attendance records-available in parish office.
g) Training records-available in parish office.

ii. The Child Protection Representative may request such further documentation as is deemed necessary for the maintenance of protection of children or young people.
iii. All records shall be updated and reviewed on an annual basis.

6. Complaints Procedure

i. All complaints regarding Parish Child Protection Policy or the Parish Child Protection Representative should be referred to the Office of the Director of Child Protection of the Diocese, for the attention of Mr.Phil Garland, Archbishop’s House, Drumcondra, Dublin 9.
ii. All complaints regarding the adequacy of training or implementation of Diocesan Child Protection Policy should be referred to Fr. Patrick Boyle.

7. Recruitment of Volunteers

i. All adults involved in any voluntary Parish activity shall be required to complete a Volunteer Application Form. The Volunteer Application Form shall be governed by a specific child protection code in Section 3 (Forms Section), with particular emphasis on past and present experience of working with children.
ii. All adults involved in any voluntary Parish activity shall be required to complete a Confidential Declaration Form. The Confidential Declaration Form shall be governed by a specific child protection code in Section 3.
iii. All applicants shall be required to sign a declaration stating that there is no reason why they would be considered unsuitable to work with children or young people and declaring any past criminal convictions or cases pending.
iv. An applicant for an employment position shall be required to supply the names of two referees, who are not family members, who will testify to their general character, their suitability for working with children and young people, and any other detail relevant to their ability to perform tasks associated with the post.
v. At least one referee should have first-hand knowledge of the applicant’s previous work with children or young people.
vi. An acceptable reference will indicate that the person is known to the referee and is considered by them to be suitable to work with children and young people. All references should be provided in writing and later verified by telephone or in person.
vii. Applicants for employment or engagement as volunteers shall be subject to Garda Vetting.
viii. Details of the selection and induction processes shall be recorded and placed in the personal file of the person appointed along with notes made during any part of the selection process, the application form, references and any other associated documentation.
ix. A written record shall be kept of the assessment made for each applicant for five years after they have been sent a letter stating that their application was unsuccessful.

8. Accident and Emergency:

i. Parents are to be immediately contacted in the event of an accident or emergency involving their child.
ii. In order to minimize the possibility of an accident or an emergency situation arising, please refer to Section 3 of this Child Protection Policy Document, which outlines in detail General Codes of Conduct.
iii. A written record should be kept of any accident or emergency.

9. Promotion of Child Protection

i. The Child Protection Policy of St. Michael’s Dun Laoghaire shall be available throughout all buildings in which Parish activities are conducted and on the Parish website.
ii. Specific codes of conduct shall be held on file with the Child Protection Representative and shall be made available on request.
iii. Information sessions shall be provided for parents, young people, and children. Information sessions for specific Parish groups shall be governed by the relevant child protection code

Section 2     Child Protection Codes of Conduct

Child protection codes shall govern all specific instances of child protection in the Parish. The Child Protection Representative shall make available such codes of conduct as are deemed necessary for maintaining the protection of children and young people.

1. General Codes of Conduct

A. General Code of Conduct
i. All people will be treated with courtesy, respect and dignity.
ii. Physical punishment of children is not permissible under any circumstances.
iii. Young people will not be permitted to consume alcohol or smoke while participating in parish activities. Parents/ guardians should be advised if this behaviour occurs. If this behaviour persists, a child will be asked to discontinue participation in the parish activity.
iv. Adults will not consume alcohol or smoke while having responsibility for or in the presence of young people.
v. Inappropriate language or sexually suggestive comments will not be permitted by young people or leaders.
vi. Intrusive physical contact between young people and leaders is inappropriate at all times.
vii. Adults will not engage in rough play or undertake any task of a personal nature with or for young people except in cases of medical necessity when the welfare of the child depends on it.
viii. Adults should ensure that any time spent alone with any child or young person is minimized. If a child wishes to meet with a Parish representative, this should be by appointment, where possible. If it is necessary to be alone with a child, ensure that another responsible adult is informed immediately, by telephone if necessary. A diary note that the meeting with the young person took place, including general reasons, should be made.
ix. Children and young people should not be permitted to work or remain in churches or parish property unless there are at least two adults present.
x. Adults will always engage with young people in an open and equal manner and care will be taken not to show favoritism.
xi. There will be clearly designated leaders within each group with whom young people can speak about their experience and raise any concerns should they arise.
xii. Care will be taken to ensure that when working with mixed gender groups staff and adult volunteers of appropriate gender will work in pairs.
xiii. Arrangements and procedures for leaving activities or centres should be explicit.
xiv. The recommended ratio of leaders to children according to their age, shall be:

For 0-2 years - 1 leader to every 3 children (1:3)
For 2-3 years - 1 leader to every 4 children (1:4)
For 3-8 years - 1 leader to every 8 children (1:8)
For over 8's - 1 leader for the first 8 children followed by 1:12 for larger numbers.

xv. Providing accommodation in parish houses for minors is prohibited except in the case of family members or children/young people accompanied by parent or guardians
xvi. The taking of photographs of children or young people is prohibited at all times. Parental / guardian consent is required.

B. Children with Special Needs or Disability

i. Where it is necessary to carry out tasks of a personal nature for a child with special needs, this should be done with the full understanding and consent of parents and guardians.
ii. In carrying out such personal care tasks, sensitivity must be shown to the child and the tasks should be undertaken with the utmost discretion.
iii. Any care task of a personal nature, which a child or young person can do for themselves should not be undertaken by a worker.
iv. In an emergency situation where this type of help is required, parents should be fully informed as soon as is reasonably possible.

C. Disruptive Behaviour

i. Should a child or young person continuously display challenging or disruptive behaviour, it should be dealt with by more than one adult. The parents / guardians of the child should be informed of the situation.
ii. A record should be made describing what happened, the circumstances of the incident; who was involved; whether any injury was sustained, or property damaged, and how the situation was resolved.
iii. In particular situations, further measures may need to be taken and parents or guardians may need to be involved.
D. Use of Computers

i. Where a computer is used by more than one person, each person should be obliged to have a unique username and password, or where this is not possible, to maintain a signed record of the date, time and duration of their use of the computer.
ii. Where a Parish computer can be accessed by children or young people, it should be accessible only through the use of a username or password unique to each child. Where this is not possible, the children or young people should be obliged to provide a signed record of the date, time and duration of their use of the computer.
iii. Computers, which can be accessed by children or young people, should always have the appropriate filtering software.

E. Use of Toilets

i. Access to the toilet area is to be restricted and available only on request.
ii. If a child requests access to toilet facilities, they must be accompanied to the  toilets by a responsible adult

2. Parish Groups

A. Family Mass Group

i. A parent / guardian will accompany a child participating in the family Mass.
ii. A parent / guardian will accompany home a child participating in the Mass.

B. Children’s Choir

i. A parent / guardian will accompany a child participating in the family Mass shortly prior to choir practice.
ii. Two adults or more must always be in attendance for the children’s choir practice.
iii. A parent / guardian will accompany home a child participating in the choir.

C. Altar Servers

i. Altar servers are to be brought to the church in the company of a parent / guardian.
ii        Altar servers are to leave the church in the company of a parent /  guardian.

Section 3     Miscellaneous Forms

A. Confidential Declaration Form


Declaration from all staff and volunteers working with children and young people
Surname          -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Forename        -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Address            ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Tel / Mobile                  -------------------------------------------------------------------------
Date of Birth   ---------------------------- Place of Birth   -----------------------------------

Any other name previously known as  -----------------------------------------------------

Do you have any prosecutions pending or have you ever been convicted of a criminal offence or been the subject of a caution?

Yes  ---------- No  ----------

If yes, please state below the nature and date(s) of the offence(s), the court responsible for dealing with the matter, the date of the court hearing.
Nature of Offence Date of Offence

Signed -------------------------------------------- Date  ----------------------------------------


B. Parental / Guardian Consent Form

Child’s details

Full Name


Details of any medical condition, medication taken, allergies, phobias or disabilities for named child

Details of any dietary requirements

Any other information the organizers should know

Parental or guardian’s details

Name and contact details during the event (Telephone/ Mobile)

If not available please contact

Activity Details
Name of group

Activity or event

Departure and Collection details

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Return and Collection details

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Name of leader(s)



I give consent to my child taking part in this activity or event as detailed above

C. Application Form for New Volunteers






Date of Birth  ------------------------------ Tel./ Mobile  -------------------------------------
Are you (Please tick)
Employed     ----------------  Student --------------------
Homemaker ----------------   Retired          ------------------ Other   --------------------
Previous work experience:

Have you previously been involved in voluntary work?     Yes ------ No------
If yes, give details:

How much time can you commit to voluntary work? (Please tick)
                       Mon   Tues   Wed   Thurs  Fri   Sat   Sun


D. Accident / Incident Report Form

Location of Accident / Incident Address

Injured's Name  Age  Grade   Home Phone / Mobile

Where did accident / incident occur? Date Time

Describe how accident / incident occured? (provide additional details on separate page, if necessary

Was parent/guardian notified?

Who was the person in charge at the time of the accident/ incident?

Was he/she present at that time?  o Yes    o No

Did the injured violate any rules?  o Yes    o No

Names / Addresses / Phone numbers of witnesses?

Apparent nature of injury

Injured parts of body

First Aid procedures used and by Whom?

If treated by physician give name and address

Who was notified?

Report submitted by Date /Title to Child Protection Representative or the appointed deputy

E. Agreement with Outside Groups

(a) For those groups with no child protection policy of their own

The Parish of St. Michael’s, Dun Laoghaire has a child protection policy and procedures, a copy of which is attached. Your booking agreement is conditional upon your working within the terms and conditions of this policy. Any concerns or allegations, which arise about children in the course of your activities should be communicated to our Child Protection Representative.

Name  …………………………………
Telephone / Mobile……………………………………

I have received and agree to abide by the child protection policy and procedures of this Church, and I will show evidence of this to Parish Child Protection Representative if required.

I understand that my booking agreement may be terminated in the event of my failing to comply with these procedures.

Signed ………………………………………………….
Organisation …………………………………………… Date………………………………………...

Please sign two copies of the document, one to be retained by the Church Authority and one by the organisation.

(b) For organisations with their own child protection policy

We ……………………………………………………(organisation) follow our own child protection procedures based on the Department of Health and Children guidelines, Children First.

We understand that this booking agreement is conditional on us keeping to these procedures and that the agreement can be terminated if we fail to comply with them.

We will show evidence of our compliance to the Parish Child Protection Representative if requested. We will inform the Parish Child Protection Representative if there are any concerns or allegations arising about children in the course of our activities.

Name ……………………………………………………
Telephone/ Mobile……………………………………

Signed ………………………………………………….
Organisation …………………………………………… Date………………………………………...
Please sign two copies of the document, one to be retained by the relevant Church authority and one by the organisation.


This Child Protection Policy Document for St .Michael’s Parish Dun Laoghaire is based on Church and Statutory guidelines.

Reference can be made to the following publications regarding the source of information contained in this Policy Document:

1. Children First Summary Guidelines 1999, National Guidelines for the Protection and Welfare of Children issued and published by the Department of Health and Children.
2. Our Children, Our Church, Child Protection Policies and Procedures for the Catholic Church in Ireland issued and published by The Irish Bishops’ Conference; The Conference of Religious in Ireland; The Irish Missionary Union in 2005.

Details of our policy document are also available on our parish website at : www.dunlaoghaireparish.ie

Useful Contacts/ Telephone Numbers:

Designated Person Child Protection Service,
Mr. Andrew Fagan, Archbishops House
Drumcondra, Dublin 9                           01-8360314

Duty Care Social Worker:                      01-2808403  (mon-fri)

Garda:                                               01-6665000

Alcoholics Anonymous:                         1890412412

Aware:                                              1890303302

Citizens Information Office:                   01-2844544

Cura Pregnancy Counselling:                  1850622626

Gamblers Anonymous:                           01-8721133

National Office for Suicide Prevention:     01-6352139

Samaritans:                                        1850609090

Simon Community:                               01-6715363