Our Parish is served by many Voluntary Groups who do excellent work across our community. They include many diverse Church, social and community groups. They are at the heart of our vibrant Christian community.
Group Name
- Legion Of Mary
- St. Vincent De Paul
- Eucharistic Ministry
- Lectors
- Choirs
- R.C.I.A
- Bethany Bereavement Support Group
- Finance Committee
- Church – Cleaning Personnel
- Church – Floral Arrangements
- Collectors
- Parish Hospitality
- Baptismal Team
- Diocesan Lourdes Invalid Fund Organisers
- Parish Information and Distribution Group
- Parish Pilgrimages
- Corpus Christi Procession Committee
Our Parish Choir
- Sea Scouts
- Parents Association
- Bingo
- St John’s Ambulance
- Accord
- Active Retirement
- Old Folks
 Our Scouts
Further information on any of the above groups can be obtained through the Parish Office on 01-2804969. Kindly note Office Hours are 10:00am – 12:30pm, Monday – Friday.